Tesis Doctoral
«Hipermetilación de promotores en el envejecimiento y su relación en el cáncer». Laboratorio de Epigenética del Cáncer del CNIO y del IDIBELL. UB. Calificación Cum Laude.
Artículos Científicos Publicados (pincha sobre el título para ver el PDF)
Fernando Navarro-Mateu, Teresa Escámez, Mari Paz Quesada, Mª José Alcaráz, Gemma Vilagut, Diego Salmerón, José Mª Huerta, Mª Dolores Chirlaque, Carmen Navarro, Ronald C Kessler, Jordi Alonso, Salvador Martínez. Modification of the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by the 5HTTLPR polymorphisms after Lorca’s earthquakes (Murcia, Spain). Psychiatry Research 282 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112640; PMID: 31727442.
Mari Paz Quesada, David García-Bernal, Diego Pastor, Alicia Estirado, Miguel Blanquer, Ana Mª García-Hernández, José M. Moraleda, Salvador Martínez. Safety and biodistribution of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells injected intrathecally in Non-Obese Diabetic Severe Combined Immunodeficiency mice. Preclinical study. Tissue Eng Regen Med (2019), 16(5):525–538; Online ISSN 2212-5469; https://doi.org/10.1007/s13770-019-00202-1; PMID: 31624707. Corresponding author.
Fernando Navarro-Mateu, Mari Paz Quesada, Teresa Escámez, Mª José Alcaráz, Catalina Seiquer de la Peña, Diego Salmerón, José Mª Huerta, Gemma Vilagut, Mª Dolores Chirlaque, Carmen Navarro, Mathilde M. Husky, Ronald C Kessler, Jordi Alonso, Salvador Martínez. Childhood adversities and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism as risk factors of substance use disorders: a retrospective case-control study in Murcia (Spain). BMJ Open, 2019; 9:e030328. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030328; PMID: 31488488
Marta Martínez-Morga, Mari Paz Quesada, Carlos Bueno, Salvador Martínez. Bases neurobiológicas del autismo y modelos celulares para su estudio experimental. MEDICINA (Buenos Aires) 2019; Vol. 79 (Supl. I): 27-32. PMID: 30776276.
Marta Martínez-Morga, Mari Paz Quesada, Carlos Bueno, Salvador Martínez. Bases neurobiológicas del trastorno del espectro autista y del trastorno por deficit de atención/hiperactividad: diferenciación neural y sinaptogénesis. Rev Neurol 2018; 66 (Supl X): S DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.66S01.2018033; PMID: 29516460.
Mari Paz Quesada, Jonathan Jones, F. J. Rodríguez-Lozano, Jose M. Moraleda, Salvador Martinez. Novel aberrant genetic and epigenetic events in Friedreich´s ataxia. Experimental Cell Research. 2015;Jul 1;335(1):51-61.DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2015.04.013; PMID: 25929520
Israel Oliver, Javier Lacueva, Víctor Barberá, Trinidad Caldés, Ana Teruel, D Costa, José Medrano, T Pérez-Vázquez, Mari Paz Quesada, José Ferragut, Rafael Calpena. p53 genetic abnormalities and P-glycoprotein expresión in stump and primary gastric carcinomas. Hepatogastroenterology. PMID: 17523278
Ramón Martinez, Fernando Setien, Christiane Voelter, Sara Casado, Mari Paz Quesada, Gabriele Schackert, Manel Esteller. CpG island promoter hypermethylation of the proapoptotic gene caspase-8 is a common hallmark of relapsed glioblastoma multiforme. Carcinogenesis. 28-6, 1264-1268. DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgm014; PMID: 17272309
Isabel López-Silanes, Mari Paz Quesada, Manel Esteller. Aberrant regulation of messenger RNA 3′-untranslated region in human cancer. Cell Oncol. 29, 1-17. DOI: 10.1155/2007/586139; PMID: 17429137.
Trabajos presentados en congresos nacionales e internacionales.
Epigenetics in Health and Neurosciences. Mari Paz Quesada; Salvador Martínez. ISSP 14TH WORLD CONGRESS (International Society of Sport Psychology). Simposium “Physical activity, Cognitive Function and Well-being”. Comunicación oral por invitación. Sevilla (Spain), July 2017.
Isolation and characterization of the murine amniotic membrane. Ana Isabel García-Guillén; Mari Paz Quesada; Noemí Atucha. I IMIB Conference. Poster. Murcia (Spain), 2016.
5-HTTLPR polymorphism modulates the risk of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after exposure to the Lorca earthquakes (Murcia, 2011): a cross-sectional study of genetic-environmental interaction. Fernando Navarro-Mateu, Teresa Escámez, Mari Paz Quesada, Salvador Martínez. XIX National Congress of Psychiatry. Poster. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 2016.
Adversities in childhood, 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and their levels of methylation as risk factors for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder throughout life: an epigenetic cross-sectional study. Fernando Navarro-Mateu, Mari Paz Quesada, Salvador Martínez. XIX National Congress of Psychiatry. Poster. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 2016.
DNA methylation and gene expression studies: quality and origin of the samples. Teresa Escámez, Mari Paz Quesada, Luis García-Marcos Álvarez. Scientific Conference 10 years of Biobank HIV HGM Red RIS. Convene the RIS Network and National BioBanks Platform. Poster. Madrid (Spain), June 2014.
Changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in human periodontal ligament stem cells from healthy and Friedreich´s ataxia patients throughout passages and under oxidative stress. Mari Paz Quesada; Jonathan Jones, Salvador Martínez. The European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) and the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC) Collaborative Congress 2013. Poster. Madrid (Spain), 2013.
Neuroprotective effect of adipose tissue stem cells in cells isolated from patients with Friedreich’s ataxia. Jonathan Jones, Mari Paz Quesada and Salvador Martínez. XIII Congress of the Spanish Association of Tissue Banks (AEBT). Premio a la mejor comunicación. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), April 2013.
Bone marrow stem cell transplantation in a Friedreich Ataxia model. Jonathan Jones, Mari Paz Quesada and Salvador Martínez. Coexistence and exchange days, Spanish Ataxies Federation (FEDAES). Commission of ataxias and paraparesias of the Spanish Society of Neurology. Por invitación. Valladolid (Spain), June 2013.
Epigenetics: DNA methylation. Mari Paz Quesada and Salvador Martínez. IV SIMPOSIUM PROMETEO NEC2 “Brain development abnormalities: from the molecules to the clinic”. Neuroscience Institute of Alicante (CSIC-UMH). Comunicación oral por invitación. Alicante (Spain), November 2012.
CpG island promoter hypermethylation of the pro-apoptotic gene caspase-8 is a common hallmark of relapsed glioblastoma multiforme. Quesada MP, Martinez R, Setien F, Voelter C, Casado S, Schackert G, Esteller M. XI congreso ASEICA, Póster. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2007
Posttranscriptional regulation of DNMT3b mRNA by the RNA-binding protein HuR in colon cancer cells. Quesada MP, López de Silanes I, Esteller M. «9th Lilly Foundation -CNIO Symposium on Cancer Epigenetics: from Molecular Knowledge to Therapy». Póster. El Escorial (Madrid), 2006.
Posttranscriptional regulation of DNMT3b mRNA by the RNA-binding protein HuR in colon cancer cells. Quesada MP, López de Silanes I, Esteller M. RNA in Disease and Therapy, Póster. Baeza (Jaén), 2006.
Estudio de mutaciones de hMSH6 en familias con cáncer de cólon. de la Hoya M, Quesada MP, Caldés T. V congreso FESEO, Comunicación oral. Valencia, 2004.
Asistencia al X Symposium Oncogenes y Cáncer. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2004.
Asistencia al Symposium Cáncer de mama. European School of Oncology.CNIO, Madrid, 2004.
Different signal transduction pathways interfere with deacetylase inhibitors induced apoptosis in murine leukemia cells bearing MDR phenotype. Menéndez P, Quesada MP, Saceda M, Ferragut JA. 17th Meeting EACR, Póster, Granada, 2002.
Selective apoptosis induction by histone deacetylase inhibitors in tumos cell bearing a Multidrug-resistance phenotype MDR. Quesada MP, Menéndez P, Saceda M, Ferragut JA. 17th Meeting EACR, Póster, Granada, 2002.
Metabolic changes produced in the pancreatic beta-cell line (INS-1) by long term exposure to high concentrations of glucose. Quesada MP, Roche E, Soria B. Reunión Anual del Grupo de estudio de Islotes de la asociación Europea para el estudio de la Diabetes, Póster. Barcelona,1998.
Asistencia al Meeting of the Physiological Societies of UK & EIRE and Spain. University of Liverpool, UK, 1998.
Asistencia al Neural Development: molecular and cellular mecanisms. Colegio de Invierno del Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, 1996.
Asistencia al On line monitoring of intracellular messengers. Satellite workshop of Eurotox´96. Alicante, 1996.
Asistencia al Canales iónicos en células nerviosas. Colegio de Invierno del Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, 1994.